The February 2013 edition brings news of a new treatment in development for renal cancers.
Sometimes, simply watching and waiting is a safe alternative to surgery for older patients with small kidney tumors, a new study suggests.

"Physicians can comfortably tell an elderly patient, especially a patient that is not healthy enough to tolerate general anesthesia and surgery, that the likelihood of dying of kidney cancer is low and that kidney surgery is unlikely to extend their lives," study lead author Dr. William Huang, an assistant professor of urologic oncology at NYU Medical Center, said in a news release from the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO).

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The anticancer drug Sutent (sunitinib) does not cause tumors to grow faster after treatment ends, according to a new study.

Previous research in animals suggested that tumor growth may accelerate after patients stopped taking Sutent. The new findings, from a study of kidney cancer patients, indicate that the drug does not pose lingering risks for humans.

For complete article,click on the link below

Elderly Health/Long-Term Care
The number of patients diagnosed with small kidney tumors has increased considerably over the last 2 decades. As a result, partial removal of the affected kidney has replaced complete removal as the standard treatment in order to preserve kidney function. A new study shows that patients treated with partial rather than total removal of the kidney had a significantly lower risk of dying of kidney cancer.

For  complete article,please click on the link below 

An experimental treatment for advanced kidney cancer using blood cells donated by a sibling completely or partially reversed the often lethal disease, doctors at the National Institute of Health are reporting.

For complete article on new kidney cancer treatment click on the link below :
New Treatment for Kidney Cancer? - ABC News
As per recent reports, it has been revealed that the number of people confirmed positive for carrying the potentially terminal kidney cancer on a yearly basis has now reached arecord high, with the main reason being partially inspired by obesity.

For complete article please click on the link below :
Kidney Cancer Cases Skyscraping at Record High | French Tribune
Advanced Treatment Options for Kidney Cancer - © 2011 Intuitive Surgical, Inc. | da Vinci. surgery.Kidney Cancer Treatment in the Washington DC metropolitan area by Washington Urology www.WashingtonUrology.com at Virginia Hospital Center VirginiaHospitalCenter.com, Arlington, VA
Kidney Cancer News from the Kidney Cancer Association, the world's only global kidney cancer charity, serving more than 70.000 people worldwide from Chicago. Carrie Konosky and Bill Bro report stories of interest to kidney cancer patients, survivors, caregivers, and family members.

Dr. Benjamin Lee of Tulane Urology discusses robotic kidney surgery, and what you should expect.